Saturday, July 31, 2010

Almost every week during the summer I take the little ones to our local story time hour. Here are a few photos of the children from last week. (We did not attend this week, due to sickness)

On this day, we went to a little indoor play area afterwards. This Kansas heat has been extreme, so I have preferred to do indoor activities as much as possible. I am so ready for fall weather to arrive!

Then this last couple of photos were taken at a Sam's club in a near by town. Justin found this 4 wheeler, and we thought we would never get him off of it...just look at the joy in his funny little face!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Juli ~ It has been so hot looks as if your kids were enjoying some indoor fun and also enjoying some time spent where it was air conditioned! I am looking forward to Fall...or at least some cooler temperatures. Weekend blessings to you and your family!
