(This is a photo of Tristyn on a ride at our state fair this September.)
Today is the girl's skating partys. We rented out the entire rink and are having both Lauren & Megan's party's at the same time. The girls were able to invite all the little girls in both of there grade levels, so that no one is left out. I hope it will be a fun time and a good child hood memory for them all.
Steven is putting a new floor down in our little kitchen area, so right now our home looks a bit like a construction zone. It will be nice when it is done though. There are so many little projects to do, and every once in a while we pick one, and complete it. Slow and steady!
I have been doing my tread mill a lot, and truly enjoying it. I go for an hour almost every day now! It gives me added energy and is just a good way to get out any frustrations one may have. I truly try not to listen to the news too much, because hearing about the horrible things that people do to each other and to sweet children just tends to get to me.
I better go and do my tread mill, then get ready for this party today. I will post photos of the party very soon. Happy Saturday!
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