I love Christmas, it is my favorite time of the year. Nothing comes close to the snuggly feeling of sitting inside my warm little home while snow is falling outside my window, looking at my candles glow and my Christmas tree sparkle. It just doesn't get much better. What a gift God gave the world with Jesus, and I love the traditions of giving. I try my best, not to let it be a too materialistic time in our home, as I am hoping to teach my children that things are not what is important in this life. So we try to focus on what Christmas truly is about...Jesus and the spirit of giving more than recieving.
Another aspect of Christmas I love is the tradtions that go along with this time of year. My Father and Mother always gave each of us children a special Christmas orniment each and every year. Then, when we got our own homes, they gave to us all of our orinments from our childhood days. When I hang each one, the memories of my childhood come flooding back. This is a tradition that my husband and I have passed onto our children as well, and my parents still buy me an orniment every year, as well as each of my four children. Our tree is beautiful as well as full of memories for my heart. My little ones look forward to going out each year and picking out their orniment for the tree. Traditons may be such simple things, but the feeling of home and serintiy they inspire is awesome.
Hi Juli...enjoying browsing through all that you have shared. We were in Branson for a few days and after getting things organized here in our home...wanted to drop in and visit you! I love the Christmas traditions that you have shared! Your home sounds so warm and cosy! Simple blessings ♥ Teri
ReplyDeleteTeri, if you are ever going to be in my area, or even semi close, please call me and let me know, so that I can see you. I would love it.