Today, I found the most beautiful eggplant at this cute little market, and wanted to make something yummy out of it. So I made up a little recipe that turned out to not only be fairly easy, but quite tasty.
First peel and slice your egg plant in thin slices.
Next, salt each slice of egg plant and let set in a colander for at least an hour. (this step takes out the bitterness)
Next, wash the salt off of your eggplant, and in a large skillet add a little canola oil and cook your egg plant on medium heat. While cooking the eggplant, I like to add a little basil and black pepper. After your eggplant has cooked on both sides, lay on a paper towel.
Now open a normal ( approx. 16oz) size can of organic diced tomatoes and put them in the skillet you cooked the egg plant in. Add to it 1 teaspoon of basil, 1/2 teaspoon of oregano, 2 teaspoons of diced garlic, 1/2 tablespoon of sugar, and black pepper and Parmesan cheese to taste.
Next, let this cook down on med/low heat stirring now and then for about 5 minutes, then add your cooked eggplant and let cook for another 5 min. I also added some fresh organic spinach at this point, but this is totally optional.

Boil some good pasta. (I like Amish egg noodles) cook as directed, then put them on a platter and top with your pasta sauce and shred some cheddar cheese on the very top.
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