I got a lot accomplished today around our home, as well. It feels so nice to have things neat and tidy again. Because of my chest cold, I did very little yesterday, and the house did not look so great. With six people living here, one day of not cleaning, and it looks unkept. I just got done fixing dinner for everyone. I had some fresh lemons, so I made the children some home-made lemonade to go with our meal. It is so easy to make, and so much better for them when it is fresh squeezed. I am thinking of slipping on my favorite flannel PJ's and snuggling under my covers with a good book. Tristyn's tennis practice was canceled, due to the rain. The girls have picture day tomorrow at their school, so tonight is bath night for the two of them. Steven is cleaning up the dinner mess, which is a blessing to me. Here is the photo of my little helper today~

Hi Juli~ It has been chilly and cloudy here today! It sounds like you have been tending to many homemaking chores...it is nice to have our homes neat and tidy! It is fun to have a good little helper! Cute picture! Hugs to you!