Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Birthday to Pradeep~
Tomorrow is my sister's husband's birthday. Pradeep is so dear to our family, it is hard to remember it without him as a part. He is a kind, caring, understanding and very intelligent man. When we have a family get together, he plays games with all the children, like hide and go seek. My girls love him so much. Lauren for her birthday last year got a baby doll, and named it Pradeep Jr. :) Our family would like to wish Pradeep the happiest of birthday's and tell him, how blessed we all are to have him for family. Happy birthday Pradeep!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Basic Gluten Recipe, Veggie meat

4 cups whole wheat flour
4 cups white flour
3 cups cool water
Let knead in kitchen aid (with dough hook) 10 min. Then soak ball of dough in a large bowl, under water for 1 1/2 hours. Next go to the sink with the bowl and squeeze dough over and over adding new water to get most of the starch out. (about 5 min.) Keep adding new water. You can use a large colander for this process. Then you have your gluten. pressure cooking is the best method, add 6 cups of water. I don't own a pressure cooker, so I boil it on a low boil, checking water levels for about an hour. Then take it out, cut it, and season with your favorite seasonings. (I use a steak seasoning) and then I put a can of cream of mushroom soup, a small pat of butter on each slice, sliced onion and tomatoes, and pepper, garlic powder and a little basil. Let bake 350 degrees for a half an hour. It is very good! You can make this veggie meat any flavor you like with seasonings and sauces. Yummy.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The holidays are comming!!!!

I am so excited about the upcoming holidays this year. My children and I are already playing Christmas tunes around our home. My husband and I have already found the Christmas wreath we are going to hang on our door, the colors are silver and blue! Steven and I have planned our Thanksgiving feast. After which we will have a Christmas decorating party, complete with Christmas music, hot coco and a Christmas movie after the beautiful tree is up. Our little children really enjoy our tree decorating party each year, so it should be great fun for all. I have a buffet of food planned to bring to my Dad and Mom's house for our extended family's Christmas party. Dad and Mom's house (despite being quite large) always is so cozy this time of year. They will have their fire place aglow and all the aunts,uncles and cousins talking and playing happily together. It is one of my favorite times of year. Not to mention all the incredible food. At my parents house everyone brings something to add to the already bountiful meal that my parents prepare, so it is like eating at the best buffet restaurant in the world. :) In case you did not know, I love eating and making good food! So bring on the holidays...I'm ready!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Photo of our "cake" candle~

This week, we have had a lot of family fun. We have had park play dates, enjoying our beautiful 70 degree days! Library story time and oddleplex play. We have made a cake shaped candle. My husband and I had a dinner date. We found a new yummy and healthy recipe, called Cauliflower Banana Bread. You can't taste the cauliflower, and it uses some whole wheat flour. My friend turned me on to this bread and I am so glad she did. Little Lauren is reading the book Dick and Jane. I am reading her a little of the Kit Kitridge collection book every night before bed. She is finally old enough to enjoy it. :) I think that it is so much better than the movie they made. I will post the recipe, in case anyone wants to try this bread. When I had just heard her talk about it, I did not really want to make it...but when she gave me a taste of it, I could not make it fast enough. It truly is that good!
Cauliflower Banana Bread Recipe
3/4 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup unbleached flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup oil
2 eggs
1 and 1/2 cups banana puree
1/2 cup cauliflower puree (cook and then puree with a little water)
1 tsp vanilla
Add dehydrated cranberries (they kind of look like raisins, but plump when baked)
Add Chocolate chips
You can add nuts if you like also,I leave this out, because of an allergy.
Blend sugar, oil, puree's and eggs and vanilla. Then add dry ingredients. Bake on 350 in a spray oiled bread loaf pan for 1 hour or until the center is set.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Trick or Treating 2009
~Halloween 2009~

The first part of our Halloween, we took the children to a skating party. My oldest son, Tristyn and his friends had other plans, so they did not join us for skating. We met Christine and Jeff and their little girl Gianna at the skating rink. They had the fog machines going inside for a very spooky effect. The children all had fun skating, even Justin and Steven and I skated! Megan won the limbo contest again! (she had won it the last time she was there too.) There is a photo of her sharing her winning soda with Gianna. It was a great time. After skating we went to the park, and then to Boo at the Zoo. After Boo at the zoo, we picked up the boys from a friends house, and took them to a cook out and trick or treating. It was great fun for all! Then we dropped the boys off for a slumber party at Hiaka's country home, and we went to bed, for a much needed slumber. :)
Tea Tree Oil~

For many years I have researched and used essential oils. I have used them for medical purposes, cleaning, and even to add a fresh scent to our little house. Tea tree oil is one of my favorite, and perhaps most used essential oil. (with lavender being a close second.) Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of Melaleuca altermifolia trees, which is native to Australia. Tea tree oil has many beneficial medical properties. They include, antiseptic, anti fungal and strong antibacterial actions. It can even be effective in treating MRSA, which most drugs are not working, because of drug resistance. I have used it for cuts, to treat infection and even abscess gums. My mother who is a nurse, has cured people of toe nail fungus with tea tree oil. The great thing too about essential oils, is that it can easily be absorbed through the skin membrane, making it very effective. I hope that anyone who is at all interested in natural solutions as opposed to using other means, will look into essential oils. They have been a true blessing in my life.
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