The older I get, the more dear to my heart, my past becomes, as well as the days that pass now. I understand, just how fast the days bloom and fall. Childhood days are dear to my heart. Awakening to hear the muffled voices of my parents coming from the kitchen. Christmas morning, when my siblings and I would rush to our living room to see what treasures our stockings contained. How magical the little things seemed from the eyes of a child. Looking at photos of toys from the past, can even bring those memories back more vividly. Loved ones, who are no longer with us, that used to smile and great us for Christmas dinner... I was blessed to have two parents who provided for my siblings and I, a safe, happy home life. They just celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary this month. I try to remember as each day comes, that the times we share together with family and friends, are so very precious, and should never be taken for granted. Each day God gives us is a gift, and a blessing. I am blessed to have four beautiful children to help teach and guide for a short while. So when I hear the running through the house, and the sometimes loud little voices that fill our walls...what a blessing. Some would say how can you stand the noise, but to me, it is music to my heart.
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