It seems to me that a lot of people think being a vegetarian leaves you lacking in protein...not true at all. Protein is one of the easiest things to get in a vegetarian diet. (mind you, I am not a vegan, that may be a bit more of a challenge.)
This afternoon for lunch I had a sandwich on whole grain bread, with a slice of cheddar cheese, a tomato & pickles with mayo and mustard, this contained 11 grams of protein. (6 came from the whole grain bread)
You can also complete protein, by using, say pinto beans and a flour tortilla. There are soy products out there and veggie burgers that are quite good also. Eggs and dairy are another no brainer way to get your protein. It is important when being a vegetarian that you get your iron and eat a balanced diet, by making sure you have plenty of dark green veggies and such in you weekly meals. Organic is important to me, and I use organic as much as I can. It is worth the extra cost, I think anyways. You can use black beans in your pasta dishes to replace the meat and it is truly yummy!
I am not a vegetarian to remain trim, but it does seem to be one of the side effects (for me anyways) of a meatless diet.
I just thought I would do a little post on the subject considering that I and all four of my children have chosen to go this route!